Our Community

How We're Helping our Ardmore and Philadelphia, PA Community

Community involvement is vitally important to the success of any business, large or small. Businesses should strive for a long term, positive impact on society. Operations both in the corporate and public sectors should reflect a commitment not only to making a profit, which is tantamount to success, but also to endeavors that offer a portion of that success back to the community from which the success emanated in the first place.

Max and Brad Paul have built very successful businesses by understanding that even the smallest accomplishments are born from humility and grow through charity. Therefore, they have reserved this space on our website to show the fruits of their labor did not just come from working in an office, but rather within the community. It is with great pleasure that we recognize our contributions to the following organizations while giving the utmost respect to their worthy causes.

Read about Upcoming Events in our Community


Some of the organizations we proudly support:





Ardmore Toyota - A Philadelphia business that gives back

View our full alphabetical list of organizations we support:

A - G

H - O

P - Z